
This site is managed by the Utah IBM i Professionals Association (UIIPA) and is focused on the IBM Midrange hardware and software, including IBM i, AS/400, iSeries and System i.  This group meets once a month to discuss and learn about tools, tips, and tricks as well as product updates related to the IBM i Systems.  Meetings are usually held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at either ADP, LLC in the Decker Lake area or Dealer Track in the Jordan Riverfront Parkway area.  Check the post(s) for location details. Feel free to contact us on this site if you have any questions.

To view the UIIPA articles of incorporation, click here:  Articles of Incorporation 2014

UIIPA Presidency:

 Joe Wood – President
ADP, LLCJoe.Wood@adp.com


Arthur Magamedov – Vice President
Sentinel Security Life Insurancearthur.magamedov@gmail.com

Matt Kingdon – Advisory Member

Mike Nageli – Treasurer
BMA Banking Systemsmike.nageli@bmabankingsystems.com

Haroldo Paulino – Secretary
iSolved — haroldopaulino@hotmail.com